
  • Introductions

  • Setting the Stage: Leadership Series Goal
    Crafting a definitive guide of "Top 10-15 ways to elevate yourself as a business leader in your organization."

  • Navigating the Landscape
    Motivations driving CTOs to elevate and the corresponding business imperatives.

    Overcoming the fear of assuming additional responsibilities and achieving success

  • Collaborative Idea Generation: Elevate Your Leadership
    Contribute ideas for elevating oneself as a business leader, aiming to compile a comprehensive list of 20+ strategies.

  • In-depth Exploration
    Mastering Expert Integration
    Explore strategies for bringing in experts effectively, featuring client case studies and consultant insights.

    Unveiling the Power of AI
    Delve into AI journey and success stories, with a focus on AI's role in CTOs' rise to business leadership.

  • Decision Time: Voting for Deliverables
    Participants vote for their top 5 strategies from the generated list to be included in the final deliverable.

  • Reflection and Closure
    Summary of learnings and insights gained from the discussions.
    Discuss intended actions moving forward

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Q2 Dinner Conference

May 9th, 2024
Register Now: Here